a couple of Bruce's beautiful photos, borrowed. "Environmental Photojournalist, naturalist and teacher Bruce Fellman has spent more than half a century getting his feet wet as he documents" our environment. Our members had the pleasure of meeting this very interesting man at our April 15 meeting. "He's written about these (wetlands) habitats and the scientists who study them for such magazines as Smithsonian, National Wildlife, and the Yale Alumni Magazine, where Fellman served as managing editor until his retirement several years ago, as well as in his syndicated weekly natural history column, 'A Naturalist's Journal,' which has been a fixture in area newspapers since 1978."
Bruce shared that he keeps journals related to the how, when and where his photos originate and suggested that everyone should keep journals. Looking back at them through time is very enlightening. To learn more about Bruce, check out brucefellman.zenfolio.com