Our very special guest at the 28 November meeting was Linda Wilkinson, the founder of Chikumbuso which is located in Ng'ombe, Lusaka, Zambia.  Especially for our newer members, Linda spoke of Chikumbuso's beginning with only $3,000 and went on to tell where they are currently.  Chikumbuso means "remembrance" - remember those who died, remember those we care for.  Linda has developed programs for widows, grandmas, and education for their children.  You can learn more about Chikumbuso at their website www.chikumbuso.com.
Medicine Woman's Prayer by Sheree Bliss Tilsley
  I will not rescue you, for you are not powerless.
  I will not fix you, for you are not broken.
  I will not heal you, for I see you, in your wholeness.
  I will walk with you through the darkness, as you remember your light.
Following is a letter from one of the students we sponsor  at Chikumbuso - Whyness Phiri