Pictured above:  Laurie Meisner and Sue Ogle with President Steve.
It was such a pleasure to have these two wonderful ladies join us Monday evening.  When Laurie last visited us, Westerly Village was not yet operational but it certainly is now.  Westerly Village is one of the four villages that make up a 501(c)(3) organization called Village Common RI which was "born" in 2014 inspired by a national village movement.  Their mission is to "fundamentally change the experience of growing older here in RI by fostering the creation of communities of mutual support - villages - across the state and by directly supporting their long-term sustainability."  You can become a member, a volunteer, even both - getting help from someone with expertise in the task at hand or helping someone else with your own expertise, giving a ride, run an errand, visiting to provide a social moment.  Their motto is "Aging Better Together".  To learn more, go to www.villagecommonri.org, call 401.441.5240 or write to westerly@villagecommonri.org